Why a City Should Have a Settlement, (June 1938) Vancouver, Canada

“Why a City Should Have a Settlement” delivered June 1938, Hall, Helen (1892-1982)

Helen Hall, “Why a City Should Have a Settlement,” Proceedings of the Sixth Canadian Conference on Social Work, June 1938, Box 34, File 9, Helen Hall Papers, Social Welfare History Archives, Elmer L. Andersen Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This copy-text was printed in the Proceedings of the Sixth Canadian Conference on Social Work: June 21-23, 1938. A transcript of the speech was located in the conference program, which is held by the Social Welfare History Archives in the Elmer L. Andersen Library.

Double quotation marks have been used to delineate where the article suggests that Helen Hall is quoting. We have retained an opening editorial remark from the program that indicates who introduced the speaker. It is in parentheses as it appeared in the original text.

We have retained the paragraph structure and punctuation that the proceedings editor gave to Helen Hall’s remarks. The text presented here has been transcribed from the proceedings and proofread for accuracy. Where it is clear typographical errors have been made, these have been corrected for ease of reading. Paragraph numbers have been added in brackets.